My obsession with nail art has grown, so much so that I've decided to sell the fake nails i've designed. I've even designed packaging, included will be an illustration of what the nails will look like. Heres some examples-
Girly nails |
Flag nails |
Aztec nails |
Here's nails I made earlier, its took an age but it was worth it
Girly leopardskin nails |
I added an extra nail cos the thumb nails may be too big for some peoples fingers (well, mine actually, but I've got really small hands for an adult)
peacock nails |
As anyone who follows my blog knows, I love peacock feathers. So I decided to make them into nail designs. Unfortunatly I ran out of nails so couldn't finish the set.
That's so impressive, I wish I was creative enough to do things like this :) x